Create a beautiful garden that blooms all season long.
The elevation and climate in Colorado Springs result in an adjusted growing season and bloom time for most flowers. Even though spring technically starts in late March, spring in Colorado Springs is around mid-May because that’s when our average last freeze day happens.
The first freeze happens around October which marks the end of flower blooming season for most varieties.

Our short growing season paired with our late spring freeze and early fall freeze makes planning a flower garden that blooms all season long a challenge. Our flower experts at Timberline Landscaping and at Heidrich’s Colorado Tree Farm put together this Perennial Bloom Guide Calendar for Colorado Springs to help you select flowers that not only do well in our climate but also select flowers to have a full and beautiful garden that is blooming spring to fall.
These are the common flower varieties available at Heidrich’s and are some Timberline favorites that we commonly use when planting with our personal gardening services as well as in landscape designs and installations.
The bar above each flower indicates the period in which that flower is in bloom and also indicates the color of that perennial.
Since the freeze dates adjust our blooming seasons, these perennial flowers are separated into seasons based on these months:
- Spring: May-June
- Summer: End of June-August
- Fall: End of August-October
We also have a flowers by season guide that goes more in-depth on when to plant flowers in Colorado Springs that pairs well with this bloom guide.
Spring Blooming Perennials in Colorado Springs
Summit Alyssum:
Basket of Gold

- Bloom Period: Early spring, lasts 4-6 weeks
- Description: A basket of bright golden yellow flowers with grey-green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full, direct sun
- Height and Spread: Anywhere from 6-12” tall and a 12-24” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Wards off deer
Alpine Aster:
Blue Alpine Daisy

- Bloom Period: Late spring/early summer. Lasts several weeks, and can return for years
- Description: Can bloom pink, blue, or purple daisy-like flowers, has a low carpet of green leaves with long, hardy stems
- Sun Requirements: Full, direct sun
- Height and Spread: 6-12” height and spread
- Special Details:
- Very hardy
- Drought tolerant
Scarlet Beardtongue:
Scarlet Penstemon

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Tall, lanky grower with orange-reddish, tubular-shaped flowers with thick reddish-brown stems and sparse pads of green leaves
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 5-6’ tall, 14-16” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Red Rocks Beardtongue:

- Bloom Period: Late spring/early summer
- Description: Glossy narrow foliage with stunning spikes of rose-pink and white flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 18” tall, 15” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts hummingbirds
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off rabbits
Birch Hybrid Bellflower:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to late summer
- Description: Violet-blue bell-shaped flowers atop a trailing mound of fresh green leaves
- Sun Requirements: Full sun to mostly shady
- Height and Spread: 6” tall, 12” spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off rabbits
Snowflake Candytuft:

- Bloom Period: Mid spring to early summer
- Description: Larger snowy white flowers and deep evergreen foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, partial sun/shade
- Height and Spread: 12” tall, 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Rock garden plant
- Dwarf plant
Little Trudy Catmint:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early fall
- Description: Compact catmint with warm purple flowers on long evergreen stems
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, morning sun and afternoon shade
- Height and Spread: 8-10” tall, 12-16” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Wards off rabbits and deer
- Low maintenance and easy care
Walker’s Low Catmint:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to late summer
- Description: Dark lavender-blue flowers on aromatic grey-green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 18-24” tall and 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Bee friendly
- Wards off deer and rabbits
- Extensive bloom times (greater than 4 weeks)
Rocky Mountain Blue Columbine:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Blue and white flowers on rich green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Morning sun, afternoon shade, full shade
- Height and Spread: 18” tall and 15” wide
- Special Details:
- Attracts hummingbirds and birds
- Wards off deer and rabbits
- Native to CO
Firefly Coral Bells:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to summer
- Description: Red flowering spikes on scalloped green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, morning sun, and afternoon shade
- Height and Spread: 18” tall and 15” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
- Native plant
Johnson’s Blue Cranesbill:

- Bloom Time: Late spring to mid-summer
- Description: Geranium with large, true blue flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 14-16” tall, 18-24” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Bee-friendly
Vision Violet Cranesbill:

- Bloom Time: Spring to summer
- Description: Bright reddish-purple flowers on long green stems
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 12-15” tall, 1-2’ spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off deer
False Indigo:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Grows very tall, blooms purple, lupine-like flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun to partial shade
- Height and Spread: 3-4’ tall, 3-4’ spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Wards off rabbits
- Drought-resistant
red fox spirea:

- Bloom Period: Spring to summer
- Description: Plume-like flowers in shades of white, pink, and red atop stiff stalks of airy foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun to partial shade
- Height and Spread: 6-24” tall, 6”-5’ spread
- Special Details:
- Drought tolerant
Camelot Mix Foxglove:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to mid-summer
- Description: Tubular flowers that grow upwards on sturdy, green stalks that have a unique, formal look
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, half sun, half shade
- Height and Spread: 36-48” tall, 12-18” spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off deer and rabbits
- Attracts hummingbirds and other birds
- Bee-friendly
Himalayan Border Jewel:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Tall spikes of white-pink flowers above green foliage. Foliage changes color to brick red in fall
- Sun Requirements: Half sun, half shade
- Height and Spread: 12” tall, 15” spread
- Special Details:
- Suitable for containers
- Attracts hummingbirds
Assorted Variety, Bearded Iris:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to summer (2 weeks)
- Description: Beautiful flowers of varying colors
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 6”-4’ tall, 6”-2’ spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off deer, rabbits, and gophers
Red Valerian Jupiter’s Beard:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Clusters of small, dark red flowers atop deep green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 24-36” tall, 30” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Gallery Blue Lupine:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Sweet pea-shaped blossoms of lavender and white atop bright green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 18-24” tall, 18-24” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off deer and rabbits
May Night Meadow Sage:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to late summer
- Description: Blooms spears of deep purple-blue flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 15-18” tall, 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off deer and rabbits

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer (7-10 days)
- Description: Purple, pink, white, and red flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
- Height and Spread: Varied
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Bowles Periwinkle:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to mid-summer
- Description: Deep lilac-colored flowers on glossy green, veined foliage
- Sun Requirements: Mostly sun to full shade
- Height and Spread: 6” tall, 2-3’ spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off deer
- Evergreen
- Dry shade tolerant
Alpine Poppy:

- Bloom Period: Late spring and early summer
- Description: Orange, yellow, pink, and white varieties of flowers atop green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 4-12” tall, 8” spread
- Special Details:
- Drought tolerant
- Wards off deer
Allegro Oriental Poppy:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Red/orange flowers atop greyish-green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 12-18” tall, 12-18” spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off deer
Ozark Sundrop Primrose:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to fall
- Description: Bright yellow flowers on a bed of bright green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 6”-1’ tall, 1-2’ spread
- Special Details:
- Drought and rocky soil resistant
Sweet Woodruff:

- Bloom Period: Late spring to early summer
- Description: Clusters of white, star-shaped flowers on a bed of vibrant green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Partial shade to full sun
- Height and Spread: 6-12” tall, 9-18” spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off rabbits and deer
Summer Blooming Perennials in Colorado Springs
Button Bachelor:

- Bloom Period: Summer
- Description: Fluffy yet trim, round flowers with sparse, long, and narrow grey-green leaves
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, likes some afternoon shade
- Height and Spread: 1-3’ tall, 1-2’ spread
- Special Details:
- Very hardy
- Drought resistant
Alert Aster:
New York Aster/Michaelmas Daisy

- Bloom Period: Late summer/early fall
- Description: Vibrant red flowers with yellow centers that stem from green bush-like foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, half-sun/half-shade
- Height and Spread: 10-12” tall and 12-16” wide
- Special Details:
- Hardy
- Attracts butterflies, birds, and bees
- Wards off deer
Assorted Variety Bee Balm:

- Bloom Period: Summer, lasts 1-2 months
- Description: Large central stem system of dark green that blooms pink, purple, red, and white flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 2-4’ tall, 2-4’ spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts birds and butterflies
Scottish Bluebells:

- Bloom Period: Summer
- Description: Numerous nodding, blue, bell-shaped flowers over bright green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full morning sun, afternoon shade
- Height and Spread: 12” tall, 15” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off deer
Butterfly Weed:

- Bloom Period: Mid-summer to early fall
- Description: Yellow orange to bright orange flower clusters atop stiff, lance-shaped green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 1-2’ tall, 1-3’ spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Wards off deer
Creeping Hummingbird Trumpet:

Tammcd7, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons
- Bloom Period: Summer
- Description: Bright orange trumpet-shaped flowered ground cover
- Sun Requirements: Morning sun, afternoon shade, full shade
- Height and Spread: 4-6” tall, 15-18” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts hummingbirds
- Wards off deer
- Evergreen
Assorted Variety Shasta Daisy:

- Bloom Period: Summer to fall
- Description: Bright white flowers with yellow centers on top of grey-green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 3-4’ tall, 2-3’ spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
Crimson Shadows Daylily:

- Bloom Period: Late July to early August
- Description: Crimson with a darker eye zone and green throat
- Sun Requirements: Full sun to partial shade
- Height and Spread: Up to 30” tall, 20” spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off rabbits
Prairie Blue Eyes Daylily:

- Bloom Period: Mid-summer
- Description: Lilac flowers with a darker eye zone and green throat
- Sun Requirements: Full sun to partial shade
- Height and Spread: 25-27” tall, 18-24” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
Stella De Oro Daylily:

- Bloom Period: Early to mid-summer, and again in late summer
- Description: Golden yellow standing on long, rich green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun to half sun/half shade
- Height and Spread: 10-12” tall 10-12” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Wards off rabbits
Purple Gayfeather:

- Bloom Period: July to August
- Description: Purple fuzzy blooms atop tall stiff bright green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 2-4’ tall, 1’ spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies, birds, and bees
Patriot Hosta:

- Bloom Period: Late summer
- Description: Deep green leaves are bordered by white margins throughout the year and lavender flowers shoot up from tall scapes in late summer.
- Sun Requirements: Half sun/half shade, full shade
- Height and Spread: 12-24” tall, 24-36” spread
- Special Details:
- Hardy
- Low maintenance
Blue Fortune Hyssop:

- Bloom Period: All summer
- Description: Powder blue flower spikes
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 36” tall, 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies and hummingbirds
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Coronado Hyssop:
Hummingbird Magnet

Raffi Kojian, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons
- Bloom Period: Summer to fall
- Description: Bright, fragrant, orange-yellow flowers rise above silver-green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Partial sun, full sun
- Height and Spread: 12-15” tall, 12-15” spread
- Special Details:
- Suitable for containers
- Attracts hummingbirds
Red Coronado Hyssop:

- Bloom Period: All summer
- Description: Crimson red flowers on silver-green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 24-30” tall, 15-18” spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off deer and rabbits
- Attracts hummingbirds
Sunset Hyssop:

- Bloom Period: Early summer to fall
- Description: Smokey orange flowers, ringed with lavender sepals
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 36-42” tall, 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts hummingbirds
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Table Mountain Ice Plant:

- Bloom Period: Early summer to fall
- Description: Ground cover with vibrant purple, sun-shaped flowers with yellow centers
- Sun Requirements: Full to partial sun
- Height and Spread: 1-2” tall, 16-20” spread
- Special Details:
- Low maintenance
- Cold-resistant
White Japanese Windflower:

- Bloom Period: Late summer to mid fall
- Description: Elegant white flowers surrounding frilly stamens
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, half sun/half shade
- Height and Spread: 3-4’ tall, 20” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Larkspur Magic Fountain:

- Bloom Period: Early to mid-summer
- Description: Elegant spears of blue, lavender, and white flowers on deep green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 28-36” tall, 14-18” spread
- Special Details: Wards off deer
Phenomenal Lavender:

- Bloom Period: Mid-summer to early fall
- Description: Mound shaped bushes that grow purple flowers on tall stems
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 30-32” tall, 24-32” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off deer
- Cold-resistant
Lucifer Montbretia:

- Bloom Period: Mid to late summer (5-8 weeks)
- Description: Pleated leaves with wands of fiery red tubular flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, partial sun
- Height and Spread: 2-4’ tall, 1-2’ spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts birds, butterflies, and hummingbirds
- Wards off deer and rabbits
- Salt and drought resistant
Red Birds In A Tree:

- Bloom Period: Early summer to mid fall
- Description: Spires of small red, white-lipped flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, morning sun, afternoon shade
- Height and Spread: 36-48” tall, 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts hummingbirds and butterflies
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off rabbits
Furman’s Red Sage:

- Bloom Period: Early summer to fall
- Description: Bright red flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 24-36” tall, 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts birds and hummingbirds
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Bertram Anderson Stonecrop:

- Bloom Period: Late summer to early fall
- Description: Smokey-purple leaves on rosy-pink stems that bloom crimson pink flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun to mostly sun
- Height and Spread: 5-6” tall, 18” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts birds and hummingbirds
- Wards off rabbits
Rosea Threadleaf:

- Bloom Period: Summer
- Description: Daisy-like flowers that are yellow-orange to red-pink in color
- Sun Requirements: Full sun, part shade
- Height and Spread: 10-18” tall, 12-24” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts birds
Colorado Gold Treasure Flower:

- Bloom Period: Early summer to mid fall
- Description: Bright yellow daisy like flowers
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 4-6” tall, 10-12” spread
- Special Details:
- Good for containers
- Extended bloom time (greater than 4 weeks)
Columbine Perennial Violet:

- Bloom Period: Mid-summer to early fall
- Description: Rich blue and white flowers
- Sun Requirements: Half sun/half shade, full shade
- Height and Spread: 6-10” tall, 6-8” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Wards off deer
Moonshine Yarrow:

- Bloom Period: Early to late summer
- Description: Lemon yellow, flat-topped flowers on silver-green foliage
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 18” tall, 24” spread
- Special Details:
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Fall Blooming Perennials in Colorado Springs
Although some of the spring and summer flowers will continue to bloom into fall, it’s important to choose cold hardy plants as the weather cools down quickly. In the Planting for Fall Color Guide, we include plants that go beyond perennials to add beautiful variety to your fall landscape.
Autumn Joy Stonecrop:

- Bloom Period: Fall
- Description: Pink flowers that gradually turn rust red
- Sun Requirements: Full sun
- Height and Spread: 18-24” Tall, 18-24” spread
- Special Details:
- Attracts butterflies
- Bee-friendly
- Wards off deer and rabbits
Use this bloom guide to keep your garden blooming all season long. Beautiful blooming gardens are great for pollinators and can even increase the value of your home.
If you’d rather enjoy your time in your beautiful outdoor space without the time requirement of maintaining it, our personal gardeners specialize in expertly maintained landscapes and create beautiful gardens. Learn more here.